Sunday, June 7, 2009

God's Commands: 1: Fear Not 2: Be Angry

Anger musings continue...

As I'm thinking and praying about anger and being whole in Christ I suddenly find myself thinking on what the Bible shows us God commands us to do; and what He clearly warns us not to do:

Be angry, but do not sin.

Fear not.

I've read that there are 365 instances of God telling us His people "Fear Not."

I'm encouraged that He says this over and over; I can't be the only one that deals with fear in some way or another 365 days in the year.

I bring up fear because I'm convinced that anger and fear occur together when we become "unglued." Self control of anger is tied to faith and trust in God to replace our fears.

Most Christians I know are never ashamed of their fears, but they deny any anger and would prefer for no one to know they've ever been angry.

Help me out ... have we flipped His design for us?


Nicole said...

I was thinking today on anger and thought about pride. Thinking that there is some connection there, and maybe some control issue, and then that would ultimately go back to fear. me something to think about. I know that i have had serious issues with fear freezing me in my tracks. God wants us to be fearless. I have come a long way, but need God's help to go even further. Thanks again.

I like it when you typed the word "unglued". Interesting and thought provoking....


Nicole said...

I meant to type that GOD has purged me of lots of fears thus I've "come a long way". Anyways, probably not needed to clarify, but for the perfectionist tendency individual such as I especially regarding spiritual issues, I felt the need to clarify. :)

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! Blessings dear one. Great words of wisdom. Continue to pray for more words from the Lord.

Nicole said...

I'm on such a roll today with mistakes in my typing. I meant to type "CONTINU ING to pray for more words from the Lord." Anyways, I better quit while I'm ahead. lol

Kay Martin said...

Perhaps Nicole has indeed hit on some of our emotions that lean like dominos that cause us confusion about coming "unglued" and lacking self control with our anger.

She mentions 1. Pride (self consumed and thinking everything really is all about me!)

2. Fear (I'm learning the more I focus and God and His greatness, my fears give into His Faith in me; and my faith in HIm)

3. Control (this is a big one for all of us; especially those of us who've known big hurts or betrayals)

4. Perfectionism (I'm just like Nicole on leaving blog comments...I hate it when anything is in error. Blogging is casual and really no one will be bothered; but it gets to me. We are not perfect and coming to grips with that one is makig life much better for me; and less really ticks me off now that I acknowledge perfect is out of the question for me.)

Yes, Nicole, thriving has much to do with all of this! May our Heavenly Father show us HIs viewpoint of all these!!!

© 2008 Kay Martin

Thrive In Christ

Who I Am In Christ by Neil Anderson

For several months we will center on this book to pursue Thriving in our Christian journey.

Neil challenges us with: "Do you know who you are in God's eyes? We are no longer products of our past. We are primarily products of Christ's work on the cross. Who we are determines what we do.

You are not who you are in Christ because of the things you have done, you are in Christ because of what He has done. He died and rose again so that you and I could live in the FREEDOM of His love."

That's just the introduction. More to follow.