Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dare to Dream


Blog reader, you are critical to encouraging me to dare to dream. From my teen years I have had the yearning to be a writer. In my thirties I pursued this dream. God graciously blessed me and my co-author Annette Buchanan with the self published book, The 12 Months of Christmas. Back in the early 80's pc's were crude. Writing took intense work. The book sold out quickly. After 3 printings we sold 30,000+ books from our homes. Life was filled with speaking engagements and interviews with reporters.

Writing volume 2 was necessary to keep the momentum going. Then life became very hectic for both of us. The needs of our families was too great to consider investing our time in another book while keeping up with the intial book. Annette and I are only children and our aging parents along with young children, our husbands, and homes demanded most of our time.

I wrote in my journal throughout all those years. Now I am believing this new world of widowhood gives me time to dare to dream of writing again.

Many people feel they have to abandon their dreams because life gets in the way. Women in our culture seem to fall into that category most often. Today I read a great post of a woman dreaming of the stage. She finally worked out a way to pursue her dream and be the wife and mother she knows is critical to her destiny. If you are touched by this excert, please use this link to read the rest of the article by Carla Barnhill. http://blog.todayschristianwoman.com/walkwithme/2008/06/stepping_into_a_new_stage.html
I Found Myself Again

Throughout those intervening years, I excused putting my dreams and passions aside in the name of serving others. But I did myself a disservice. Life isn’t an all-or-nothing operation. I’m wrong to think my loved ones can survive only if I let them suck all the life out of me. Yet this belief is the common curse of women. We assume the only way to be good friends, good daughters, good mothers, good wives, good bosses, good coworkers, good anything is to put aside every one of our interests and devote ourselves to others. We think having our own dreams and hopes and plans is selfish.

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work" (1 Corinthians 12:4–6).I no longer believe I’m "selfish" to honor my God-given dreams and gifts. In fact, I might be more selfish to think I’m so vital to the lives and well being of others that they won’t be able to cope if I’m not there to show them how. I don’t "serve" those people at all when I give up for their sakes everything that matters to me."

Women and men: Dare to dream. This morning a brillant young man let me know he reads my blog daily. This problem of putting off our dreams and visions until everything lines up is a problem for all of us.

What dreams and passions have you put aside in the name of serving others?
How could reconnecting with yourself actually honor God and benefit others?


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Oh sweet Kay, I loved your thoughts in this post. It's something you should write on more.

I know as a mom I always feel like I'm putting my everything into these girls and when they are grown and gone I'm going to be like, "Now What?". It's hard to persue dreams, you feel guilty, un-worthy and it's a rocky road. But I know in the end it will be worth it!!

God's girl said...

What a great post Kay! I do often struggle here too being a homeschooling mother of young children and a wife. God is teaching me balance which is hard to get. This was very encouraging.

BTW-Would you email me your email address so I can send the work out for the Bible study. I am hoping to get it out by Monday. You can email me at angela AT refreshmysoul DOT com

Kay Martin said...

Angela and Nicki,
You two moms appear to me to have found that fine balance of keeping the main thing the main thing. As I read your blogs I hear "your voice," and I can see your talents and dreams coming forth. But we never get past having to pray for wisdom in our choices. As you two will agree, the Question is "Father God, are You pleased?"

Dorothy Champagne said...

Thank you Kay, often times we feel guilty trying to find what God wants for us if it doesn't involve our families. Sometimes it is so difficult to see what's in store for us with so much going on around. Thank you for the reminder....


Kay Martin said...

Dearest Dorothy,

Thanks for your honest comment. I just know that I know we all...especially you young mothers... take on guilt pain that is detrimental and not true. You young mothers are so dear. I remember never feeling like I was quite good enough. May our eyes be opened to what will please God and easily release the rest. On this Freedom weekend may we all embrace freedom from needless guilt.

Thora said...

Write Kay write.Now is the time with wisdom and time on your side.
i feel I am coming into my own but at times an out of comfort zone experiences.

Kay Martin said...

Thanks for your encouragement. Blogging is opening up some spiritual adventures for me that I love.

Reading your poetry on your blog was a surprise that blessed my day. Now, I can revisit you often. How would I have ever known of you, but through this blogging experience?

Back to you, Thora....Write Thora Write.

© 2008 Kay Martin

Thrive In Christ

Who I Am In Christ by Neil Anderson

For several months we will center on this book to pursue Thriving in our Christian journey.

Neil challenges us with: "Do you know who you are in God's eyes? We are no longer products of our past. We are primarily products of Christ's work on the cross. Who we are determines what we do.

You are not who you are in Christ because of the things you have done, you are in Christ because of what He has done. He died and rose again so that you and I could live in the FREEDOM of His love."

That's just the introduction. More to follow.