Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm Alive!

Blog writing daily is a good thing, but.........some days I have nothing notable to write. Today is one of those days!!!

I committed in May of 2008 to write here at Thrive Christians daily to fulfill God's call on my life to write. Oh, how thankful I am that I have done this one thing.

But today I pray for any of you that dropped by to know God loves you and I appreciate you coming by. Embrace the day and Thrive!!! It does not matter what is going on you are alive...I know you are; you're reading this. That, my friend is enough reason to decide to seize the day and run with it praising God for LIFE!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Some days we just can't write. Whether is exhaustion like it was for me this week, or writers block (I've had that too!) some days it just isn't going to happen. It's okay!

You've done well with your commitment and have been writing so much and on important subjects.

Keep up the good work!

© 2008 Kay Martin

Thrive In Christ

Who I Am In Christ by Neil Anderson

For several months we will center on this book to pursue Thriving in our Christian journey.

Neil challenges us with: "Do you know who you are in God's eyes? We are no longer products of our past. We are primarily products of Christ's work on the cross. Who we are determines what we do.

You are not who you are in Christ because of the things you have done, you are in Christ because of what He has done. He died and rose again so that you and I could live in the FREEDOM of His love."

That's just the introduction. More to follow.